PhillyCIO & Inspire Leadership Network Member, Main Line Health, Shares the Value of Working with Verinext.
When Main Line Health, a not-for-profit health system serving the Western Philadelphia suburbs, started looking for solutions to their IT issues, they found that most business technology companies they looked at threw their generic products and solutions at them without trying to understand what Main Line Health needed and wanted. Veriniext, however, was different.
Focusing on the Outcome while Minding the Details
Unlike the other business tech companies, Verinext asked Main Line Health what they were actually trying to do. What outcome did they want, and what problem were they looking to solve. From there Verinext collaborated with the Main Line Health team on how to get them there.
Luke Olenosky, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Main Line Health says, Verinext “takes the opportunity to really zoom out and think about the big picture, the architecture for what we’re trying to do – whether it’s cybersecurity or digital experience. But they are also not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get into the weeds as well… You don’t find that from everyone…”
Verinext’s ability to zoom out and find Main Line Health’s big picture problems and then determine the solutions that would best meet their needs resulted in a customized healthcare IT solution that met Main Line Health’s specific needs.
“They did a really nice job balancing big picture thinking, but then when the rubber meets the road there were right there with us to say ‘how are we going to get this done.’”
Watch the testimonial video from Luke Olenosky, Senior VP and Chief Information Officer at Main Line Health, to discover why he values his experience with Verinext.