Are you concerned with VMware’s acquisition of Broadcom? Or maybe you are just looking for a change. Learn more about all of your options with Verinext’s partner, Nutanix. 

VMware has a particular business model of innovation by acquisition. While it has worked for them for years, it has caused some strife amongst their customers. Most recently, the announcement about Broadcom’s acquisition has led to a plethora of conversations around the upcoming changes and what that means for your company. With the end of perpetual and SnS licensing, as well as current payment options, many businesses are taking the opportunity to look elsewhere. The change will phase out current bundles, impacting your bottom line. An apparent encouragement for businesses to lock in for longer, at a high price, has pushed the need for more options. This is where Nutanix steps in.

Learn about another option from Ferrol Macon, Senior VP of Architecture and Strategy at Verinext, and Rob Simpson, Director of Strategic Marketing for Nutanix. They touch on the Nutanix Cloud Platform and what it can do for you. Covering:

  • Nutanix evolution –  From AIT to Cloud, keeping simplicity, ease of use, and customer experience at the center of all operations and innovations.
  • Natively Integrated Platform – enabling the customer to lay the foundation that meets current needs while allowing ease of affordable scalability 
  • Organization of offered stacks and services – They cover cloud infrastructure, cloud management, VDI, database, and storage services, all consolidated into one platform and offered at varying levels.

Nutanix proudly offers freedom of choice under one unified platform. It lives up to its pillars of modern, scalable design and customer satisfaction, all under the power of simplicity. Built by engineers who wrote and designed some of the largest cloud providers today, it offers an excellent alternative to VMware’s spin on Broadcom. Learn more and listen to the webinar today!


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